

Saddam’s Stogies

Posted by at 10:08 pm on May 3, 2007
Category: Cuba SanctionsOFAC

Saddam Smokes a StogieDuring an investigation of Col. William Steele for alleged improprieties in his oversight of the prison in Baghdad where high value detainees are kept, an interesting tidbit was revealed. Witnesses testified that Col. Steele provided Saddam Hussein with Cuban cigars. Hair dye too, but it’s the Cohibas that are causing the ruckus.

Army Brig. Gen. Kevin McBride of the 43rd Military Police Brigade of Rhode Island, who oversaw Iraq’s detention facilities while Steele was running Camp Cropper, said purchases of cigars for Saddam had been approved before either he or Steele assumed their commands.

OFAC mavens, of course, will understand that the folks over at OFAC are going to bust a gut over this. They are probably drafting a charging letter right now and trying to decide which military officials will be the happy recipients. Or maybe not.

The problem, you see, is that it’s not just illegal to import Cuban cigars. It’s illegal to buy them anywhere in the world even if you have no plans to bring them back to the United States. The “Cuban Cigar Update” posted on the OFAC website is succinct on this point:

The question is often asked whether United States citizens or permanent resident aliens of the United States may legally purchase Cuban origin goods, including tobacco and alcohol products, in a third country for personal use outside the United States. The answer is no.

Remember this the next time you’re in Europe and someone tries to slip you a Cohiba Cigar or a shot of Havana Club Rum.

(Via Export Boy.)


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One Comment:

[…] Now, technically, Piro could be prosecuted for violating the law, but we won’t hold our breath waiting for that trial to start. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that buying Cuban cigars for Saddam (in violation of the U.S. embargo) was actually a long-standing government policy. […]

Comment by Cuban Cigar Hypocrisy Watch: Cohibas for Saddam on November 15th, 2007 @ 6:02 am